The space station the main characters arrive at was doing experiments with metabolic growth enhancers, in order to grow a carnivorous species that could overtake an entire planet in a short amount of time. The cyphaloids (or however you spell it) were being used but couldn't reproduce, and were deemed unworthy. The scientist woman said they needed to find a "naturally occurring, self-replicating" species to replace the cyphaloids, which would obviously be the Krites.
It's a very vague and open plot point that unfortunately never gets explained. It was the most interesting thing about the movie – growing mutant Krites – and was even talked about on the back of the box art for the movie, but wasn't actually focused on or utilized in the movie itself. It was just kind of danced around. It honestly made the whole movie feel like a prequel to the real Critters 4.
Cena doesn't overcome any odds. He's a wrestler with a God Mode cheat on.