The mop scene.
Am I the only one who nearly pissed their pants laughing so hard when the fat woman is attacked?
Oh my god. That was so funny. First it attacks her pink bunny slippers, all the while she is screaming, and freaking out like a stupid, fat pig.
The op part, where the girl protects the fat lady, and the crite bites down on the mop ed and its get swung all around which attached to the mop. The fat lady screaming "Porcupine!"
Oh my god... Thats still, to this day, is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.
That asside, I love these films. Only monster to this day I have dreams about. Even thoug in my dreams, I am more likely to pet them, than run. they are kinda cute, in an evil, 20 rows of sharp teeth, eat the insides of your pet dog sorta way. hehe