MovieChat Forums > City Slickers (1991) Discussion > Yee-Haw! Here are 7 new stray questions!...

Yee-Haw! Here are 7 new stray questions! Go round up the answers!

#1. Does Jake Gyllenhall (Danny Robbins) REALLY {POP} his shoulder, or did the effects team put in the sound? If he really DOES {POP} his shoulder, how can I learn to do that?

#2. How & why do you "set a horse"?

#3. How & WHY do you castrate a horse?

#4. What dooes it mean to "cut the wheel"?

#5. How do you light a match on your cheek?

#6. What's the name of the song that Mitch plays on his harmonica while Curly sings?

#7. Why is Texas called "Panhandle"?

#8. Why is it bad for a calf to be in the cow the wrong way?

#9. What was Mitch going to say, about why he was naming the calf "Norman", before he was interrupted by the gunshot?

#10. What was wrong with the cow in the FIRST place?


#11. What did Mitch's wife mean by "All right, but I don't want people coming over thinking they're in a Bergman film."?

#12. What is Rumaki?

#13. What is nouveau?

#14. When Dr. Ben Jessup was describing the movie, "Red River", He said, "But not in a theater. The big screen..." What is the difference between "THEATER", & "BIG SCREEN"?

#15. How do you make a horse walk backwards?

#16. WHAT IS IT with Barry & Ira yelling "WOOF!"?

#17. When Phil & Ed helped Mitch pull Norman out of the rapids, Mitch said,
Nice catch...It was like Mays in the '54 World Series.
Then did Phil say, "Vic Wertz" (Who was that?), which is what the Closed Caption said. But ALL the Sub-Titles, & I AGREE with them, that Phil said, "Big words."

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


OK, I have not seen this movie for ages, but I think I can help you with #8 and #10. I assume that by saying the calf was the wrong way, it was breech. As with any breech (human and animal), the birth is more difficult than a normal birth, and the cow would need assistance to deliver the calf as they can get stuck. If the cow had been in labour for a while, it may have had no energy to push the calf out by itself, and both the mother and baby can die, which is why it is bad. If you mean in #10 why did they have to shoot it, it was probably in a bad way after the birth, it may have been in too much pain & too weak to survive, or walk the rest of the way in any case, so that is why they shot, to end her suffering.
Hope it helps.


Hey, Happy Cat, MEOW! What does a cat say in December? "MEOWy Christmas! Hahaha!

Thank you for answering the question about the breech. Now I understand that. My question about the cow, however, referred to when Curly was telling Mitch that he had hoped the cow could make the roundup to Mexico. It SOUNDED like there was something wrong with the cow BEFORE she gave birth; unless you think that she tried to give birth in Colorado, & was unable to, then Curly had the cow move to Mexico.

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


Lol, love it!!
I am guessing that Curly could tell that the cow was due any day, and he hoped that she would make the journey before she gave birth. If she had tried to give birth before the journey but couldn't, they would have helped her to deliver, and they would not have had her make such a long trip.
Again, hope it helps.


Yes, that did help. SO, here's ANOTHER joke for you. Why did the cow ump over the moon?

The farmer had COLD hands! {MOO-HOO}!

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


Yes, that did help, so here's ANOTHER joke for you. Why did the cow jump over the moon?

The Farmer had COLD hands! {"MOO-HOO!"}

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


"#3. How & WHY do you castrate a horse?"

Why? Well, castrating a horse is like neutering a dog. Stopping them from breeding. As for how, I don't wanna touch that.

"#5. How do you light a match on your cheek?"

Very carefully.

"#6. What's the name of the song that Mitch plays on his harmonica while Curly sings?"

Tumblin' Tumbleweeds

"#8. Why is it bad for a calf to be in the cow the wrong way?"

Can obstruct its breathing. The head could possibly get stuck. Much like when a human baby comes out feet first. It also complicates passing it through the birth canal.

"#10. What was wrong with the cow in the FIRST place?"

Complications from calf birth, I reckon.


Thank you for ALL your help. As to HOW to castrate a horse, IF you can handle it, here is a link to a clip. There are OTHERS on the side.

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


#3 I believe that castrating a horse will make it calmer and more obedient because he won't have his mind on sex all the time, and he won't be as aggressive or mean. The whole point is to make the horse better to ride.

#7 I believe it was the "Texas Panhandle" (not that Texas was a panhandle), meaning the northernmost part that is between New Mexico and Oklahoma. If you imagine the rest of the state of Texas as a frying pan, then this part is the pan's handle.


Hey! Thanks for your help! Now I understand!

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


Cant help you with the burgman reference.

12 - Rumaki is an finger food.... Chicken liver and water chestnuts wrapped in bacon and marinated in soy sauce and ginger or soy sauce and brown sugar.

13 - Depending on how it was used, Nouveau can mean new and different, or can be used in reference to wines that are released to be sold in the same year that they are harvested.

14 - I am not sure about this one,maybe he means a movie as opposed to a stage show.

15 - To make a horse walk backwards, generally ( although it can depend on the horse ) you pull backwards gently on the reins.

16 - WOOF!!! I think it is just one of those silly brother things, doesn't actually mean anything.

17 - The Mays reference is another baseball reference (there was a few through the movie). I quote the wikipedia article on the 1954 world series here: 'The series is perhaps best remembered for 'the catch', a sensational running catch made by Giants centre fielder Willie Mays in game 1.'

Did I pass??? lol!


#12. Yummy! Rumaki sounds good!

#17. I was asking is He said, "Big words!" or "Vic Wertz!". The Closed Caption read, "Big words!", but ALL of the Sub-Titles - (The DVD English, French & Spanish) said, "Vic Wertz!", so I wasn't sure which it was.

This wasn't a test. I REALLY wanted to know the answers.

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


LOL, sorry, didnt read that properly, I agree, it is big words!!!



You have WAY too much time on your hands.


I have 3 mental disabilities, & CANNOT work. I have to have SOMETHING to occupy my time. Sex? NO! That's for after marriage. But, who would want me? Illegal Drugs? NO WAY! I take enough medications for my mental disabilities as it is!Street gang? HAH! I wouldn't survive the initiation, I'm so weak. So what else IS there? I'll stick with watching & analyzing movies, thanks.

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


It was Vic Wertz....Vic Wertz was a somewhat famous baseball player.

a link:



If you are interested in seeing Willie Mays catching the ball hit by Vic Wertz in the World Series Game 1 in 1954, here is a link:

In one of the most famous plays in baseball history, Vic Wertz hit the long fly ball that Willie Mays caught in the 1954 World Series (see The Catch{Above link}). It went over 450 feet to dead center of the Polo Grounds in New York, and a sportswriter said, "It would have been a home run in any other park, including Yellowstone."


I think the mentioning of Vic Wertz tied into the baseball trivia scene featured earlier in the film. Stern's character was trying to break up the tense aftermath by interjecting some needless trivia.


#7. Why is Texas called "Panhandle"?

Curly said he was in the Texas panhandle, which is the rectangular area in the northernmost region of the state.

#11. What did Mitch's wife mean by "All right, but I don't want people coming over thinking they're in a Bergman film."?

This refers to Ingmar Bergman's films. According to Wikipedia, "His influential body of work often dealt with themes such as bleakness and despair," which was reflective of Mitch's mood.

#14. When Dr. Ben Jessup was describing the movie, "Red River", He said, "But not in a theater. The big screen..." What is the difference between "THEATER", & "BIG SCREEN"?

Mitch says he's seen Red River on TV. Then Dr. Jessup says "But not in a theater. The big screen..." The difference is not meant to be between theater and big screen, but the difference between seeing it on TV (which in 1991 pretty much always meant a small screen) and seeing it on a big screen at the theater.


OH! Thank you VERY much for clearing those questions up! I REALLY appreciate it!

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


Number #7:

panhandle 1 (ˈpænˌhænd ə l)

— n 1. ( sometimes capital ) (in the US) a narrow strip of land that projects from one state into another.


"something resembling the handle of a pan," 1851, especially in ref. to geography, originally Amer.Eng., 1856, in ref. to West Virginia (Florida, Texas, Idaho, Oklahoma also have them).

The top of Texas looks a lot like the handle of a pan.


Got it! Thank you VERY much for clearing that up!

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


Answer #11:

She was referring to Ingmar Bergman the director. His Bio is below.

Ernst Ingmar Bergman ; 14 July 1918 – 30 July 2007) was a Swedish director, writer and producer for film, stage and television. His influential body of work dealt with bleakness and despair as well as comedy and hope. Described by Woody Allen as "probably the greatest film artist, all things considered, since the invention of the motion picture camera", he is recognized as one of the most accomplished and influential film directors of all time.[1] However, despite critical acclaim, his films rarely earned large grosses or gained wide audiences.

He directed over sixty films and documentaries for cinematic release and for television, most of which he also wrote, and directed over one hundred and seventy plays. Among his company of actors were Liv Ullmann, Bibi Andersson, Erland Josephson, Ingrid Thulin and Max von Sydow. Most of his films were set in the landscape of Sweden. His major subjects were death, illness, faith, betrayal, and insanity.


Whoa! He was bleak & dispairing! {I wonder if he suffered from depression, which would feed his need for making these type of films?}

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!
