MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1991) Discussion > Good movie with some flaws, De Niro Scar...

Good movie with some flaws, De Niro Scary As Hell

Nolte's role not believable, Lange just ungrateful & bitchy(in special features she never wears a bra---best observation)and Lewis as always, typical,naive,eye-rolling waif. Found it to be De Palma-like in over-the-topness and visual style,surrealistic,etc.De Niro's persistence was chilling, death scene satisfying.I give it an 8 out of 10.


It was good but as with most of Scorsese it feels so dirty - even the Bowden family are fraught with conflict and screaming matches, enter a sick rapist and murderer and everything’s just kinda... nasty.

I guess that’s what you get with Scorsese - he’s a sophisticated director and wants to explore ideas of sin and justice, with plenty of cynical commentary on our justice system and bibles popping up. It’s a very good film but it’s deadly serious and not much ‘fun’ for a thriller, you kinda need a shower after watching it.


I thought this was a fun movie. Does that make me sick?


I liked Serbian Film. What does that make me?




Touche or Tooshie?


The first one.


I don’t think so. Why would it?


It wouldn't.


So why did you ask if it would?


It's called a rhetorical question. Ever heard of those?


Yes. How was your question rhetorical?


You just did it again.


Did what?

How was your question rhetorical?


Has some flaws, has some flair. Its pretty good. It does feel like De Palma.

The original is quite good to. Robert Mitchum is a different Max Cady. Powerful but controlled, brutish, but a very smart antagonist which makes him probably more scary than De Niros Cady..


It does feel like De Palma.
Interesting that the film feels De Palma-ish given its mixed development: originally for Spielberg then being passed off to Scorsese (meanwhile Schindlers was originally a Scorsese project that Spiel. took over). Movie Brat math, who knew?

Scorsese(Spielberg(x)) = De Palma(x)


I hate this movie. I hate it even more after watching the original, which is a far better film.


You want to elaborate on some points?

The original is great, but I liked this one also. Very different tellings of the same story that can co-exist without damaging each other.


Hate, hate, hate.
Yea, you’ve made that abundantly clear.

Lol, to hate a piece of entertainment this much... how sad. But looks like hating is your thing in general. Typical reactionary


I have a 10 star rating and a film is either a 1 or a 10.

Maybe you are not on the same wave length and think too deeply about things.

You should really stop trying to think, get hench, get alpha, get pussy, and get a life dork.

iNcEL /s
