MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1991) Discussion > Favorite De Niro villain

Favorite De Niro villain

Is Max Cady anyone's favorite villain De Niro has played?

I prefer his roles in Heat and Taxi Driver (anti-heroes?), but for me his role in Cape Fear may be his best full-blown villainous turn (definitely over-the-top but effectively so). Angel Heart is also up there.


Not a villain as such but Jake La Motta in Raging Bull could fit the bill.


But, the production cheats here...Instead of Nolte's character witnessing Cady's crime as in the original (which has it's own problems) here in the remake Nolte's character is as crooked as a dog's hide leg and misrepresented Cady at trial, because he was convinced of Cady's pathology. Once we know that---game over. We can go along with Peck at charter, but, we have to suspend decency to follow Nolte.

Ipso facto...Cady isn't a villain (HERE).
