copy of End of My Journey
Where can one buy a copy of the recording "End of My Journey," which
was written and performed by Harry Stewart in the film?
Where can one buy a copy of the recording "End of My Journey," which
was written and performed by Harry Stewart in the film?
A most beautiful song indeed! Why it is almost impossible to find is a mystery. But I have two versions of this song. EVERYONE I play it for absolutely loves it!
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Hi There,
Someone who claims to have spoken to Harry Stewart, says that he never had the song published. Because so many people love this song and cannot find it, somebody has made a webpage where you can find an MP3, it is taken from the end of the movie-
You are a Godsend. I actually had a recording of this that I found on the net years ago, but it was a bad recordring. I was grateful though and have had it for years now, but yours is a lot cleaner. I will be using your version from now on!
shareThat is great to hear! It is a special song. And it is sung by a beautiful voice!:)
OMG az26425! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I am listening to it right this second...Only took EIGHTEEN YEARS! Thank you SO much
Someone recorded him doing it live in 2010.