A Romantic Gangster Movie? There Is Such A Thing
Watch this if...you really enjoy gangster movies, but don't mind a strong love story theme mixed in. Don't expect the quality of Goodfellas, Casino, etc.
Acting/Casting: 7* - Dustin Hoffman is great as Dutch Schultz and the film also has such co-stars as Nicole Kidman, Bruce Willis, and Steve Buscemi. I have trouble taking Loren Dean serious and feel he is a sub-par actor. Unfortunately, outside of Hoffman he is the main character.
Directing/Cinematography/Technical: 6* - Well directed and provides some graphic scenes that bring some minor realism to the film. I felt there were times when the movie dragged a little when it focused on the romantic angle. Overall the film is solid in this aspect.
Plot/Characters: 6* - I went into this movie expecting a gangster flick, which it does provide, but there is a very strong romantic theme thrown in. A little too much romance for me, but others may deem this desirable. It does manage to shed some light on the Dutch Schultz era.
Entertainment Value: 6* - Worth a watch and is entertaining. It does have it's slow parts and has a bit too much romance for me. There are several other gangster movies I would put above this on my list.
My Score: 7+6+6+6 = 25/4 = 6.25