Nicole Kidman's hair -

Look kinda yucko in the movie, like she hadn't washed it in a couple of days. Maybe that was the 'look' back then, i don't know, but i didn't like it at all.


Do you mean the hair on her head or her bush?


you mean we get to see both? i haven't watched the movie yet.


Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


IMDb is pretty funny and stupid: NOTE they list plot elements boldly including
"Red Pubic Hair" !! I can just see some student doing a research paper and finding that earthshaking topic.


This movie was actually pretty good, it has a great actor (Hoffman), effectively uses the wanna-be-gangster theme, and features Nicole Kidman nude - I liked her hair, up and down.

Why did it do so poorly at the box office - lax promotion?


not just pretty good. great film. I'm really upset that it is only at 5.9 out of 10 on here. it deserves 8.2. I can't believe that anyone could be concerned about something as insignificant as her hair. I mean she looks so breathtakingly beautiful and supernaturally beautiful in this film. this is a great film. my friend was talking to me about why it wasn't a hit with people as far as them liking it. and he said it's because it's an inferior to the other better gangster films film. films like goodfellas and the godfather part 3 although are better films doesn't mean that this film is not extremely watchable or very well made and great.

it has the best gangster performance(Dustin Hoffman) that I've ever seen. that is extremely high praise. I thought after watching it recently that it's a great film. it has a cool, interesting story, a great performance from Nicole Kidman, also a great performance from Bruce Willis. some great action scenes. a great way of making it seem and feel authentic 1935 New York with the locations, cars, way of dressing, clothing, way of speaking, etc. a good all around acting cast. and a hypnotic and captivating performance from Dustin Hoffman who is so charismatic and mesmerizing and lovable. I've never loved a bad character in a non horror movie more than his character.


oh my gosh. this is so funny. my friend while watching it with him said just about the same thing. he said he's never liked her hair. what I think is who cares about her hair? yeah it's true her hair looks stringy and brittle and not attractive in this film but it's her hair, her hair. it's the least important thing about a woman. she looks so naturally and exotically beautiful in this film that it's silly and stupid to think about something as insignificant as her hair.
