Dustin Hoffman was excellent despite the movie's shortcomings
Despite all the negative criticisms of this film I thought Dustin Hoffman gave a tour de force portrayal of this highly fictionalized production of E.L. Doctorow's 1989 National Book Critics Circle awarded novel. Not only did he (facially, if not physically) resemble Dutch Schultz, but his interpretation of that very unusual character was indicative of Hoffman's marvelous thespian acumen. Despite all the historical inaccuracies such as the demise of Dixie Davis which provided the denouement for the story (although that crooked attorney died in 1970, outliving Luciano) more generous latitude should be granted imaginative fictionalized accounts that accompany such well written and inventive dramatizations.
All in all, I felt Hoffman's performance was just terrific. Whenever he appeared on screen he stole the show. It was hard to keep your eyes off him. What a commanding presence he has.
I would have loved to see Dustin give a performance of Schultz's amazing deathbed words which demonstrate what an interesting character that psychopathic killer actually was in real life. Unfortunately that episode in the gangster's life was an altogether different story and not germane to the episodes covered in Doctorow's story. But to see Dustin Hoffman give a performance of the Beer Baron on his deathbed would be a wonderful addition to this delightful account.