Billy The Kid & Genghis in HELL!
When Bill & Ted went to Hell, I thought there should of been a cameo of Billy The Kid and Genghis Kahn in the underworld because wouldn't they be in Hell by now.
Movies 4 life.
When Bill & Ted went to Hell, I thought there should of been a cameo of Billy The Kid and Genghis Kahn in the underworld because wouldn't they be in Hell by now.
Movies 4 life.
It would only be cool if they busted them out too, otherwise it would be kind of depressing. And it would still be kind of a bummer to think they'd been sent there at all. In spite of Bill and Ted's hilarious experience there, everybody else seemed to be suffering pretty badly. As a kid I found the screams kind of scary. I think we're expected to forget the bad things Billy and Genghis did in real life, and assume they went to heaven because they're the nicer/fictionalized guys they were depicted to be in the first film. So maybe a cameo in heaven. I think it would have been particularly funny to have Genghis meet Death, as Genghis kept him pretty busy back in the day.
See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion - Ben Richards