The easter bunny

Scared the hell out of me when i was a kid when i saw this in theaters.

"*beep* the law, i want meat"-Nightbreed.


Lol yeah that one was weird, but Bill's g-ma was the one that really weirded me out as a kid


I can't believe the number of years it took me to realize that Granny was Alex Winter, with a bunch of makeup, in a dual role!


I wonder if the one who designed the puppet was a Chucky fan, the faces were kinda similar.


^My thoughts exactly. His grinning and overall facial expressions made him look like, well, Chucky in a bunny costume.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


Kevin Yagher's FX company did them both.


The easter bunny is a little twisted but the bit where Granny S Preston Esquire is running down the hall manically laughing towards Bill and Ted is even creepier.


Me too that and granny!
