I like this movies for being experimental and probably only for that.
I'm seeing arguments on this board saying that people should like to be disturbed. Anything that can evoke a feeling is considered art. Yup, that's true. However, going to a garbage dump can be similarly disturbing. So one would be especially careful to base the "goodness or artistic genius" only on the disturbing qualities of a movie.
Using color and sound would open many more opportunities for being disturbed. This is a good movie for narcissist too as they don't understand anything else besides crappy emotions.
Creative genius is defined as being innovative and practical. Anyone can be a douche bag "creative genius" if practicality was set aside. Take a laptop and knock an apple from a tree to get it while speaking german, latin, and chinese. That's pretty genius creative since no one does it. Capture this action on film and spread it around. A cult of people soon will attribute this act to pure genius since they start coming up with all these interpretation.
Like with these "creative" films, they are all open to an infinite number of interpretations. I can see how this may lead watcher who are schizotypal to develop a whole religion based on a number of random or "creative" sequences.
For the example above, people can attribute throwing the laptop at the tree to get an apple as the director borrowing elements from naturalism. They see the act of destroying the laptop in the process of getting an apple as a return back to the good nature. The process of speaking german, latin, and chinese would mean a national change back to nature.
But like I said though, I found the movie good for being experimental. I liked it when there is a clock apparent in one of the rooms. It's very other worldly indeed. It's cool that what makes god god is a text that says this is god. I like how without any text indeed, it would look like a couple of people being "creative".