The Aftermath

I'm just curious; how will the townsfolk see Belle after she goes to live with the Prince after he and his staff are human again? That's one thing I've always wondered. Or did she live happily ever after?


They might think she is as as crazier as she was before but your guess is as good as mine if not better then mine


I'm not entirely sure myself. Guess we'll never know.


Official childbooks said Belle & "Adam" invited the whole village people to the wedding with a giant banquet in the ballroom; a manner to reunite in good terms their difference of point-of-view about their own way-of-life.

And in a another book, Belle goes to an invention convention installed not outside the province she lives, but in the village itself, in her casual green dress, and stills looked weirdly, but like the person who succeed her goals to live in fairy tales business, and open minds the industrial revolution who will begin. She meets a feminine friend, working as inventor, Simone.


Thank you for your input. That's such an interesting epilogue. Now that I think about it, I may write my own epilogue to Disney's Beauty and the Beast. If you like, I can credit you and your ideas.


Yes, I can agree.

Thank you so much, and Happy New Year 2017. 😉😊


Once again, thank you. You're welcome, and Happy New Year to you too.


What are these books called? Are they really childish or worth a quick read?


Personally, I guess it's better we don't know. This film had perfect closure like all Disney films and a sequel ( most Disney sequels do suck, but that is beside the point) wouldn't be the same unless the prince somehow became the beast again. I know a sequel where Gaston's younger brother was seeking vengeance got scrapped and I think the writers were planning on having the prince become a beast again had the sequel actually happened and I also imagine it would've shown what the villagers though of Belle at that point.

Avenged Sevenfold ships Fluttershy and Discord


Definitely better we don't know, because when the townspeople realize that having their prince restored means they're going to have to start paying taxes again.


Dang, I would have liked a sequel. XD

Gaston has a brother?! I'm assuming he would be younger, and idolizing Gaston as much as Lefou does.

Not a fan of the Prince becoming a Beast again, though. That would defeat the purpose of the first movie...


Not a fan of the Prince becoming a Beast again, though. That would defeat the purpose of the first movie...

Absolutely 100% correct.

Honestly, the best scenario (rarely do sequels have any redeeming value but hey) would be to have Gaston survive the fall off the castle and be turned into a beast himself.


I remembered someone saying in the aftermath the villagers would probably wonder about the Beast, but when they came back to the castle, they would have just seen a normal human Prince and since they don't know that The Prince and The Beast were one and the same., he could just say,"Oh, I saw The Beast run off into the woods and he never came back." They would have left Belle and he in peace." Good theory the poster had! :)

Drake is repetitive. He just raps the same thing over and over as if he is in an insane asylum!LOL:D


She'll probably visit the town with Adam(the prince).


I doubt they would welcome her back or that she would even want to go back. Maybe just to visit the bookshop keeper.


They'd probably be shocked and jealous. Maybe over time they'd start to accept her, but still probably think she's weird and perhaps extend that weirdness to the Prince (without expressly saying so).


Who cares? They called her "odd" and said she "doesn't quite fit in," and she said she wanted "much more than this provincial life." She left and everyone was happy, that is, unless some were kicking themselves for not being nicer, because she now lived in a castle. Belle didn't miss them because they noticed her more than she ever did them--for the most part she ignored them--except when she tried to talk to the baker about her reading material and he ignored her!


The baker didn't ignore her, he was actually very polite but clearly busy. She was really rude for rolling her eyes at him. Sure, the villagers said some unkind things about her behind her back, but she wasn't that nice about them either.


No mutual admiration society there and Gaston's admiration was purely narcissistic in nature!


You're certainly right about Gaston!


I assumed that they did not necessarily need each other. She had all her needs taken care of in the castle The only nice person was the bookstore person---who probably might be invited to live in the castle(??). How many people read in that village other than her and her father, the prince and his staff?
