MovieChat Forums > What Would You Do? (1991) Discussion > Okay; Cancelled Off Nick GAS For What Re...

Okay; Cancelled Off Nick GAS For What Reason?

i'd really like to know; because this was a GREAT show... I love everything about it. But it was cancelled off of GAS... and You're On! isn't on much either; which is a pretty good show too.

It's all mainly DoubleDare and DoubleDare2000. Those are great shows, but wheres variety? and Nick Arcade is on at 4:00 AM usually.. WHY!?!?!

Make sure to I.M. me on AOL Instant Messager at: Bleedingblueman


Man, I was unlucky enough to get GAS after WWYD was taken off it, and frankly, Im pissed off about it...I agree with ya 100%, they need to put it back on GAS ASAP...


Aww! WHY? I loved that show. I seriously didn't like double dare 2000. I think it was probably because Marc Summers wasn't the host.

Nothing's impossible, just improbable.



I didnt know they put it on GAS...dang it bring it back and get rid of the finders keepers....too many screaming people


Finders Keepers is okay. I'm not a big fan of Figure It Out so I wouldn't mind seeing that go. I liked Guts but they show it too much on GAS. They should get rid of DD2000. I want WWYD back. :(

Nothing's impossible, just improbable.


They already took all Marc Summers DD off of Nick GAS-I didn't get Nick GAS until they cancelled WWYD either-


Wow....I guess I was one of the unlucky ones too, I probobly got nick gas after they took this show off...and I only had family double dare for like 4 weeks until that show got booted too! WTF? Now I'm already sick of finders keepers, double dare 2000 and ledgends....I heard wild and crazy kids were on this channel too....I guess I missed that also.

"If you like what you saw then come back next week, if you don't your a dumb loser,internet geek!"


They took off Wild, Think Fast (which was my favorite) and Crazy Kids and Make the Grade also and they took away the thing where between commercials a family would play different sport games and that black girl and other guy would host I dont know what it was but it was cool.

