MovieChat Forums > The Torkelsons (1991) Discussion > vote for the TORKELSONS to be on Dvd!

vote for the TORKELSONS to be on Dvd!

Hey all! If you LOOOVE this show! We could eventually buy it on Dvd! But at the site only has 86 voters and need to be waaaayy over 500! I know my mother LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES this show and would love to be able to watch it whenever she'd like so PLEASE VOTE! THANKS! :)


Go to to vote.

Torkelsons, The (1991)

Date added to database: 5/29/2002
DVD Rights owned/licensed by: Unknown
(correct this info)
More information: The Internet Movie Database (IMDB)
Show Categories: Comedy

Voting Results

Unreleased Rank: 428th
Overall Rank: 583rd
Season Set: 315 (98%)
Best of: 101 (32%)
Individual Episodes: 87 (27%)
Total Number of Voters: 320


I voted!
I want it to come on season dvds SO freaking bad, its not even funny.

RIP Judith Eva Barsi
RIP Heather O'Rourke
RIP Jonathan Brandis
RIP Michelle Thomas
RIP Aaliyah


the website doesn't work anymore... :-(


It works now.


yes the torkelsons must be on DVD! count my vote in baby!



I LOVE this show and it needs to be on DVD - all the episodes. It's a shame that it didn't run longer too because it's one of the best tv shows of all time.


I LOVED this tv show as a little girl!!! :D I've been trying to remember the name of it for AGES!!! LOL ;) Disney SO needs to put this on DVD!!! I miss watching this SO much. :)


Me too-this show was the best.

I voted for both The Torkelsons and Almost Home, and here are the current results:

Voting Results

Unreleased Rank: 96th
Overall Rank: 376th
Season Set: 1243 (99%)
Best of: 357 (28%)
Individual Episodes: 300 (24%)
Total Number of Voters: 1255

How many votes are needed for seasons to be considered for release?


Now reverse it.

