MovieChat Forums > The Torkelsons (1991) Discussion > What Happened to Ruth-Ann and Stephen-Fl...

What Happened to Ruth-Ann and Stephen-Floyd?

I watched repeats of this show quite a few years ago of this show when it was on Family Channel and I liked it alot, but does anyone know what happened to Ruth-Ann and Stephen-Floyd the next season. I know the show changed to
"Almost Home" where they moved to a new town and and lived with that family and everything, but did they mention what happened to those kids? From what I saw they were there till the end of the Torkelsons but then were gone in the first epidoe of Almost Home. Does anyone know why? Did they explain it? I thought maybe they were suposed to have moved in with the father or something, but I was just wondering if I missed something?

Not that I ever liked those kids anyway but I just never understood how they just disepeared without explanation.


On Almost Home, Ruth Ann and Steven Floyd never existed. Some people think they might have gone to live with their father but in one of the Almost Home episodes, Chuckie Lee is referred to as the middle child. On The Torkelsons Ruth Ann was actually the middle child so my take is that in the world of Almost Home the two characters never were (a plot device many shows use that I absolutely hate).



all that stuff is very strange, for i remember in one episode of almost home, chuckie lee mentions a "brother that i had and i loved" and his mom tells him something like this "we've talked about that before and now is not the moment" or something like that.

weird, uh?


If there is an odd number of children, then only one can be the middle child. If there are an even number of children, then there are two middle children. As an illustration:
X X O X X (odd number)
There is only one middle.

X X O O X X (even number)
There are two middles.
This sig is false.


Didn't they die?


They changed the show to try to make it better and didn't care to give any attention to explaining the story change. There's your answer.



Hey! People need to stop saying mean things about Steven Floyd! I love him! And I love Aaron (the actor that played him). He's cool and adorable. So cut it out.




Maybe they went to live on an island with Judy Winslow, Chuck Cunnigham, and the daughter from "Life With Bonnie."


Remember when Chuckie Lee got a commercial. The mom said if the people in my hometown could see me now watching my ONLY son, make a commerical. I watched the reruns on disney.


LOL! so true.

Ryan Gosling is a Dream



LOL...yeah, it's in the Bermuda Triangle

If the guy had seen a white bronco, people would say I was in love with OJ Simpson--Lucas Scott


Yeah, evidently it's in a parallel universe (maybe in the Twilight Zone ^_~).

I never liked that type of plot device either, where shows just never mention the missing characters. Dumb. >_< (Almost Home was a slightly dumb/unrealistic show anyway, compared to the original Torkelsons, which was much more "real life family" style and made more sense. ^_~ I liked both of the shows but I preferred the original version! ^_^)
(That's the real Torkelsons, the first one...the other one was...kinda fun but kinda fake, IMO anyway! ^_~)



To joflo11: Don't forget the mysteriously missing son from the early episodes of Happy Days. Oh, and the original eldest son from My Three Sons (but at least his existence was acknowledged, unlike the Happy Days one! ^_~).



Examining the mysterious disappearance of the second and third Torkelson kids...
who apparently went to live on Fantasy Island or somewhere like that. ^_~

Okay, well, actually presumably either the actors didn't wanna renew their contracts or the producers didn't want them in the show any more, or a combination of both...possibly somebody thought that it would just seem too weird if their mom showed up at that other family's house with five kids (doesn't seem like a too-huge number to me, but apparently does to some people these days...the "average" number being, what is it, two and a half ^_~) ("how can anybody have two and a half kids?" I think I've heard of some kids asking ^_~ [hmmm...two plus "one in the oven"? ^_~])...and/or, possibly the producers just didn't want the focus of Almost Home to be mainly or only on the Torkelson family, and thought that with fewer Torkelson kids, there'd be more room/attention/etc. for other people on/in the show...and then they just never even bothered/thought/whatever to give any really good explanation of what happened to the other two kids!!!



Before they moved from Oklahoma to California, Stephen Floyd got a scholarship to a college and moved there with support from his Dad, even though Millecent divorced him and Ruth Ann was sent to live with her grandmother for some reason. It would have been great if Mr. Morgan did have room for 4 children however.



No they never existed in almost home.


it really bugged me that they never existed in almost home. it just doesnt make sense.


An inside joke referring to them missing was made in the pilot of "Almost Home":
Mr. Morgan is trying to learn the Torkelson kids' names and says, "Let's see now, it's Dorothy Jane, Chuckie Lee, and Mary Sue?" His son then remarks, "With all those names, you'd think there'd be more of them."


They left them in Oklahoma.
Actually they unofficially moved to their dad's home.

I miss this show, I remember having a crush on Dorothy Jane when I was a kid.


or maybe almost home is just a different show kinda like Good Morning Miss Bliss(saved by the bell jr high) and saved by the bell were two completely diff shows?


Maybe perhaps this, before Mrs. Torkelson moved from Okalahoma and before Mr. Morgan flew in to meet them, Stephen Floyd, got sent to a Boarding School because sometimes on the Torkelsons he was a problem, & Ruth Anne was crying loudly she didn't want to leave Okalahoma so an Aunt took in Ruth Anne in Oklahoma and don't forget that Mrs. Torkelson couldn't upkeep that mortgage and the divorced Mr. Torkelson, wouldn't pay alimony or child support at all either.
