ebay donkeylips version
Just a warning to fans:
The quality of Bower's bootleg version is all over the place. Sometimes watchable, other times not. Worst thing isn't the occasional bad visual/sound quality, it's the jerky/broken up video because he obviously over-compressed everything to a single blu ray disc. It's worth buying if you're a fan, since you get his autograph, plus for the shows that haven't had an official release.
Bottom line: buy it to get the unreleased shows, but do everybody a favor and buy what is offered on amazon and itunes as video downloads, a big handful of shows. It will encourage future releases and perhaps a real DVD release of the show in full as it should be.
If it's worth it to you buy it and get your friends who are fans to buy it. And let it be known whereever you can that you want the whole show release on DVD.
As I grow older and older I fear that stuff like SYS and YCDToTV will die out before their time. It's a part of TV history that needs to be preserved.
Good luck all fans!