The House of Eliott in High Definition
What are the prospects? I'm seeking a definitive answer as to exactly how this gorgeous looking series was shot and edited. As far as I can ascertain, all interiors were shot on PAL (576 x 720 lines) standard definition videotape. Exteriors were either shot the same way or on 16mm film; can anyone clarify? I assume all editing and effects were completed on SD tape.
That being the case, I guess there's little to no prospect of it ever appearing on HD streaming or Blu-ray. It doesn't help further that it was composed in the the widescreen TV-unfriendly 1.33:1 academy ratio. Having said that though, numerous other TV series have been upgraded from their SD origins to HD. Red Dwarf's early series – made at the same time as THoE – were shot and edited on entirely on SD tape, yet they're currently being prepped for Blu-ray release:
Even if The House of Eliott's original source materials are somewhat below today's high technical standards, it would be great to see this fine series looking and sounding the best it possibly can.
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