MovieChat Forums > Hi Honey, I'm Home Discussion > I just learned about this show.

I just learned about this show.

I kind of wish that they would make it into a movie. It might not be great but I think it would be fun.


This show was amazing in its concept! It was just WOW! Cause when I was a child, oh how TV seemed magical to me, and oh how I wanted my favorite characters to jump out of the screen and be my best friends! I also wanted so much to be part of their world, because it was so sweet and fun and perfect!

Jeannie, Lucy, Viv, etc. they were my dream! And in this show, the dream kinda comes true for one of the characters, so it's exciting for me, as a viewer, to see that happen. I can't believe that such an original concept didn't last longer!

Too bad that the world has become so cynical, dark-humored, and nasty now, because it has really affected TV, and as such, there isn't a single show on now that I'd like to jump into.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!
