The episode with he tupperware is still one of my faves after all these years.
Every Girl With A Henna Tattoo And A Spice Rack Thinks She's A Sister To The Dark Ones.
The episode with he tupperware is still one of my faves after all these years.
Every Girl With A Henna Tattoo And A Spice Rack Thinks She's A Sister To The Dark Ones.
I had forgotten about this show. I was only about three when it came out, but then I believe Fox started airing the reruns again later because I remember watching those when I was about six or seven. Anyway, out of all the episodes, the Tupperware one is the one I always remember. It was so creepy!
I sometimes don't read the bottom of posts because I think it's a signature.
Yes, it was very strange. Why do you think they haven't had problems with the Tupperware company?
Forget her, she's a predator posing as a house pet.
It's the only thing I can remember from the original run.