Strongest episodes

The ones that stick out in my mind are Heart On A Chain, The Loyal Order of Corn, Marshall's Theory of Believability and The ATM With The Heart Of Gold.

Heart On A Chain, though, is without any doubt the strongest of the series. The episode had everything. Horror, romance, comedy, relationship up and downs and, above all, a strange flavor of realism. Just an amazing slice of early 90's TV, in my opinion.

The Loyal Order of Corn was great. I just found the whole ending with Dash asking the old guy if he was his father pretty powerful. Great episode.

Marshall's Theory of Believability was awesome too. When the scientist is exposed as a hoax, and proving all the adults right in the process, was a great little twist. And then the end when the mysterious object floats away was just the cherry on top. Really nice.

And of course, The ATM With The Heart of Gold. Creepy. Very creepy. Just a well rounded episode. The image of the head in the ATM is a lasting one, to me.

What about you guys? Favorite episodes? The strongest ones? The weakest, maybe?

"Well, I'm not a bad guy. If looks, brains and personality don't count." - Miller's Crossing


Marshall's Theory...? What do you find so good at that one? Zyrcon was a phony. I liked the REAL ship though but I think it's one of the weakest, no disrespect to you or other fans of it.

Heart on a Chain is one of the most emotional eps of any series ever made for kids. I also agree with you about the ATM episode.

The Lost Hour is one of my favourites but you didn't mention it, I see.

Also Who's Who and The Dead Letter would be in my top 5, intriguing story of a girl who could draw her heart out and a touching love story.

Foreverware got close too, it was the one that started it all, and it's still good, that woman baked those cookies when Jimmy Carter was president and they're STILL fresh.

The series finale, "Reality Takes a Holiday" gets an honourable mention from me. And "Scariest Home Videos" was good fun.

The Retainer, The Losers, Just Say No Fun and Tornado Days could've been better but they were still not bad.

I have mixed feelings for The Broken Record, I don't think it was that good, more about parental abuse than weirdness, and introduced a character that we just had nor easons to care about.

And now we arrive to the Dash X era... Hole in The Head Gang, the werewolf ep and the one with "My Sharona" were cheesy at points but also fun.

Loyal Order of Corn was really intriguing. Zombies in PJs is probably the funniest after "Scariest Home Videos".

Just my 2¢... and thank you for bringing this up, Johnny.

There's no room for pity in this business, babe.


John, I like your list, except the Finale "Reality Takes a Holiday" is my top fave.

"Eye of the Beholder"


Thanks both Ed and Kenny!

But yeah, Kenny, Reality Takes a Holiday was very... original. It reminded me a lot of the last film in the Nightmare on Elm Street film series, New Nightmare though. A nice idea, don't get me wrong. I really enjoyed that as an episode and felt it was quite fitting as a final hurrah for the series.

"Well, I'm not a bad guy. If looks, brains and personality don't count." - Miller's Crossing


Your list is good

ATM with a heart of gold
Heart On A Chain
The Broken Record
Who's Who

I'd say heart on a chain and broken record were the most emotionally powerful episodes.


I'm not really a big fan of the show. I like silly, but this just didn't work for me. The only episode that stood out for me was 'Reality Takes a Holiday.'

R.I.P. Rick Ducommun and Tony Longo
