A Breath of French Air.
I like this programme, it comes across as very charming. There is just one thing that I didn't like and that is a small part of the episode A Breath of French Air.
Charlie gets drunk in a pub while waiting for his train to arrive. He returns to the hotel and Pop helps him up to his room. When in his room, he looks out of the window and sees Mariette on the beach playing beach ball with some French men. He gets insanely jealous and storms down to confront her. He is carrying a knife and screaming like a madman. When he reaches his wife he stabs the ball with the knife, grabs Mariette and manhandles her onto the beach, throwing her to the ground. Pop comes rushing out, but Ma stops him and laughs, telling him not to worry and that it was just because Charlie wanted Mariette to go on train ride with him.
Is it just me or did this whole situation seem really odd? If Charlie had acted this way towards my daughter he would be gone and at the very least received a good hiding. Lots of people saw what happened and it would be very likely that at least one of them would have contacted the police. What annoyed me the most was Ma trying to trivialise the whole situation by saying something like "see, it's the little things that matter".
Did anyone else have an issue with this scene?