MovieChat Forums > The Commish (1991) Discussion > Something this world needs...

Something this world needs...

I am a huge fan of "The Shield" but I only started watching because of Michael's work on "The Commish." Since they have DVD seasons of just about ever show on TV how about putting out seasons of this BRILLIANT show on DVD for fans, like me, to enjoy? Would that be so hard?


:) funny... I couldn't bring myself to watch the shield at first until I heard the rave reviews, because I just couldn't buy the Commish as some kind of dirty, corrupt, the ends justify the means, cop who'd kill a gang member as soon as look at them if they got in his way. Vick Mackey is the polar opposite of Tony Scali. It took several episodes to get me not to be continually suprised at how viscious the Commish was acting. :)


Same here, I can't bring myself to watch "The Sheild" at all. I don't want to see Commish Scali that way. ;)

p.s. - Ricky Caruso is the hottest TV cop ever.



Yes I had a hard time seeing him as a bad cop also. And yes Vic Mackey is the complete opposite Tony Scali whom I loved. He was great. Rachel was wonderful.


I've seen every episode of "The Shield," so it's sort of fun to watch "The Commish" and see the similarities/differences of the two Michael Chiklis characters. The physical differences are the most obvious and the most amazing. He looks about ten years younger as Vic Mackey than he does as Tony Scali. Even though Tony isn't "bad," both Vic and Tony have "inner struggles" and trouble "listening to their consciences." They're also both sarcastic. One of the few times Chiklis looks "the same" in both roles is when he's smirking. I'm going to be honest, I am--at best--indifferent to Michael Chiklis, I don't hate him, but I don't love him, either. He just... Michael Chiklis. Both shows featured some very entertaining supporting characters. No characters can top "the Strike Team," but it's fun watching characters like Paulie and Stan who are... not completely unlike Shane, Lem and Ronnie. Weird.

I'm not mean--not..that mean...


Actually Chiklis does an amazing job. You can totally buy him as that type of character once you see him in action. Jason Alexander is another short, stalky, bald man but I doubt he could ever pull it off like Chiklis did. He obviously has a very large range to do both Commish and Shield so well.

Fire Box @ Synetech
