Sad Commish DVD news
After a solid month of emailing both Anchor Bay and Cannell productions and both telling me that it was held up because of the other party. I finally got a hold of someone at Anchor bay and and they told me that it was a mutual decision. Anchor Bay lost a lot of money on those DVD's and because of that Stephen Cannell lost money on the deal. Both parties have agreed to not release the rest of The Commish for a long while if at all due the "huge losses" (his word not mine) of the first two releases. When asked what the fans are supposed to do since most have already paid money for the first two, the guy responded that there was not much they could do. He did admit that they "surprisingly" received a lot of emails about this problem, but not enough to release the rest of the seasons on DVD. He was very nice and apologetic, but not helpful. He did say that Anchor Bay only holds the disc release of any future DVD's, but not the Digital copy of The Commish. He said that Cannell may one day chose to release those episodes onto itunes or another digital format like Hulu.
So folks it doesn't look like we won't be seeing The Commish on DVD anytime soon. This sucks and makes me not want to buy any Stephen Cannell or Anchor Bay releases. If you are not going to release the entire run of a series don't release the series at all!