Named after Antonin Scalia?
Seems like it.
You know, I don't find this stuff amusing anymore...share
Seems like it.
You know, I don't find this stuff amusing anymore...share
It's vaguely possible, but much more likely to be a coincidence. About half the Italian-American male characters (and some of the female) on television are named "Tony" and Scali isn't an uncommon name (plus it's the name of a type of Italian bread).
shareYeah, I'd really like to know. Anthony Scali, Antonin Scalia... it's really close.
Also, the show would seem to have a pretty conservative bent at times, in that morality is usually absolute, unambiguous, and perfectly consistent with law and order. The head of the police is the acme of benevolence and adherence to duty, and the criminals are often mindlessly evil and depraved. (Contrast this to the Shield, for example -- the criminals are still often mindlessly depraved, but it does also portray police officers as having some morally ambiguous motives, and taking some morally ambiguous actions.)
So, maybe the creators are conservative guys who admire Justice Scalia? I haven't seen that much of Cannell or Kronish's other work, so it's kind of hard for me to say. I guess Kronish is an executive producer on 24, which can be viewed as a "conservative" show, I suppose. Cannell does has done a bunch of other crime shoes (like A-Team and 21 Jump Street), so I guess that could fit.
Any opinions? Anyone who actually knows one way or the other? I wish I could send an e-mail or something to Kronish to ask about this.
What had Scalia done by 1991 that would have got the attention of Cannel and Kronish?
Wackypedia says, "In 1971, he entered public service, working as the general counsel for the Office of Telecommunications Policy, under President Richard Nixon, where one of his principal assignments was to formulate federal policy for the growth of cable television."
Under Internet hyperbole rules, that means Antonin Scalia *invented cable TV*!!
No the show is not based on Antonin is based on Tony (Anthony) Schembri (spelling may be incorrect on last name) He was for a time, commish of New York City...his name should appear in the credits as a technical advisor. I can however assure you from personal knowledge, that it is quite a shall we say, loose interpretaion of the man.