who was your favorite officer?
1. Stan Kelly = adorable
2. Carmela Pagan = tough cop
3. Ricky Caruso = ladies man
4. Ronnie Lopez= dependable
5. Mike Rose = used to be racist, knowledgable with paganism, sensitive
6. Gordy Tuefel = always having a blonde moment, and a klutz
7. John Papadakis = almost a fish food
8. Jeff Hartley
9. John Hibbs
10. Calvin Simms
11. Terry Cooper = token black guy
12. Luke Jarret = crooked cop
13. Bob Stanton
maybe there were more, and i only remember some of them. my favorite was Stan Kelly -- Tony's protege. i was so heartbroken when... you know. damn it. whyyy! he was nice and a bit geeky. tony loved him like a little brother.
of course, i like Ricky Caruso too because -- admit it -- he was so GORGEOUS. but yeah, he was a playboy and occassionaly a bigot. i would hate him in real life.
i wished they had more female officers/detective like Carmela and Cyd.