MovieChat Forums > Clarissa Explains It All (1991) Discussion > The only thing I can quote from this sho...

The only thing I can quote from this show (Always makes me laugh!)

Anyone remember when Sam and Clarissa's dad did that MCHammer like rap? I find myself singing the end of it at random times:

"Who's gonna build your house?" "I'm gonna build your house!" "Your house, your house, your house, your house...."

I don't know why I thought that was the funniest part of the rap, maybe cause I hated rap from a young age and now that I am older I realize they were really parodying how stupid rap is, I don't know. In any case it kills me!

When in doubt, God prays to Hoffman.

(And yes I am FEMALE!)


Hahaha, yes, I loved that! Hammer pants and all!
