booted for Hey Arnold?
would twentysomethings really rather watch a cartoon about a 4th grader with a football shaped head than a cleverly written, perfectly cast family sitcom that's smarter than it has any right to be?
sharewould twentysomethings really rather watch a cartoon about a 4th grader with a football shaped head than a cleverly written, perfectly cast family sitcom that's smarter than it has any right to be?
My theory is that the younger 20 somethings are the one who are mostly watching the shows and commenting on FaceBook. The might have been to young to a have seen Clarissa when it first aired. so they are going to prefer the later 90;s stuff. that why the keep all that and Kenan and Kell.
Mr. Shue, let me be your Britney
I'm 21 and I love Clarissa but it's stupid for the OP to say Clarissa is any more intelligent of a show than Hey Arnold..probably the best nicktoon besides maybe early Rugrats.
Panic - 10/10
Footloose - 8/10
The person who runs the 90s are all that Facebook Page stated that the changes are not permanent and that they can bring Clarissa & Doug back later
Hey Arnold! is honestly a much better, and clever show. Clarissa is fun but it's not really clever at all.
And aren't they just going through every episode? It seems they are going in order, and once it's done they go to another show.
Panic - 10/10
Footloose - 8/10
I think Teefus is right, and I'm not trying to sound ignorant about Clarissa, but I'm in my early 20s and he is correct I do identify with Hey Arnold a bit more than with Clarissa. I do remember watching Clarissa when I was younger, but watching all these episodes for some reason haven't brought back any specific episode memories, besides me remembering the characters and the house. I think the subject matter was a little mature for me to understand/pay attention to when I was that young. Hey Arnold debuted when I was 6 and peaked in popularity when I was about 8, so when I see reruns of the show I tend to remember all the episodes, and hence why I personally find it more appealing to watch. Not to say Clarissa is a bad show, I think it is just an age preference thing. If I was born in 1985 I might think differently. It's kind of funny actually how they're looped together on the 90s are all that, but the early and late 90s are kind of different eras, they obviously have some overlap but a 1998 episode of Kenan and Kel is definitely a different time than a 1992 Clarissa episode.
"It was definitely some puerto rican guy alright".-OJ Simpson, South Park
yeah that exactly what I meant. It seems that the average age of the 90s are all that view is like 19-22. so as I said they are going to identify with the later 90s stuff.
Mr. Shue, let me be your Britney
I'm 21 and I remember Clarissa but not as well. However, Hey Arnold was a great cartoon and even though it revolved around 4th graders it addressed a ton of issues. It is one of the best written children's cartoons I have ever seen. Others like Rocket Power which came later appealed to kids because they surfed and skateboarded. Hey Arnold appealed to kids because there were so many different characters and you could relate to them. Helga had an alcoholic mom and her parents basically ignored her. Arnold lived with his grandparents rather than his parents. I could go on and on, but that show truly was and still is excellent. It holds up just as well when you go back and watch episodes. You catch things you never did as a kid and see the real depth the show had.
shareMy favourite Nick shows were Clarissa explains it all, Are you afraid of the dark?, The adventures of Pete and Pete, Sabrina the teenage witch, The secret world of Alex Mack, Sister Sister, Doug, Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Kenan and Kel, The Amanda Show and Drake and Josh. I was born in 1984, so i grew up with the shows that were on Nick in the 90's. Drake and Josh started in 2004 i think.