Does the show mean more to anyone than just nostalgia?
Just curious. Thing is, a lot of why I love Clarissa is because it's been embedded in my psyche, everything from her room to the theme song, even the family, and of course the guitar strum whenever Sam comes through Clarissa's window -- these things are what many of us look at fondly whenever we think of Clarissa.
Thing is, most people don't go much farther than to say "Oh! I loved watching that as a kid!". The nostalgia aside, I still feel this a damn good show. I have been forced to sit through a lot of current kids/teen programing, and a lot of it is mind-numbing and insulting. I won't get into it, but looking at a lot of this crap has made me appriciate Clarissa Explains it All so much more for the simple reason that it didn't treat it's audiance like it was retarded; it was a smart and extremely witty show (with little hints of sarcasm), because of which it could enjoyed by both kids and their parents. Just like Pete & Pete, just like most all of the early 90's Nicktoons. I mean yeah, being a written for a predominantly younger audiance it has it's share of lame moments (particularly the first season), but the show was nothing less short of fun.
I don't know if the DVD's were cancelled because of sales, but if they were it's because the only people who bought the first season were those who caught the announcement on the internet and cared enough to revisit the show (I mean, they weren't marketed and were hardly in stores, nor were they rerun to familiarize a new audiance). No one else. The show unboubtedly improved after the first season too.
Thing is, I bring this up for a reason; TV isn't getting any better and I don't see it improving any time soon. I want shows like Clarissa and Pete & Pete for my kids in the future to watch. Granted Pete & Pete has a more timeless feel and Clarissa is pretty 90's unfortionately (and fortunately), but I want these shows among others to show my kids in the future; theres a line between fun cartoons and brain rotting sewage, and I'll be damned if any offspring of mine is treated to probobly worse than whats being offered now. I am aware that Clarissa is a nearly two-decade old Nick series, but it deserves more than to just fade away, for actually being an intelligant show, and for being so much more than whats being offered today.
I bit overly dramatic I know but hey.