Diana - Ouch

During the episode where Ben, Jenny and David want a dog and pretend to have one called Harry for two weeks Ben says that he has tought Harry to do tricks.

Ben does "Sit", "Beg", "Die for the Queen".

Bill remarks: "Oh great! Can you get Diana to do that for the Queen."

I just watched it on UKTVGold and I'm sure the year at the end said it was 1996. One year later and she died.

What a moment.


We spent a great deal of time editing and redubbing lines concerning Princess Diana out of the tapes of this show. I'm afraid I have no idea why UKGold are showing the previous versions- Im afraid it just goes to show what level of respect is paid to things like this these days..unhappily I have no control of what happens in these circumstances.






While I admit that that line of Ben's does sound rather inappropriate now, surely a single line of dialogue in a sitcom is negligible? Rational-minded people would simply look at the production dates (easily available on the DVD, when Eureka get around to releasing them all - could you have a word with them over that?) and realise that, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter.

It's the same deal with the movie companies who had to go back and edit the World Trade Center out of any then-filming productions. I detest post-9/11 squeamishness.

I'll make my point again: re-editing episodes of old productions that reference later tragedies is unneccesary, needlessly politically-correct, and at worst downright insulting to the viewer's intelligence.


Chris Nash


The edits were made in the immediate aftermath of the Diana death, when there was a very real danger that episodes may have been pulled off the shelf and repeated at short notice, and indeed were on a a regular basis. It would have been quite unacceptable to let them go out in their original state at that time.
It is certainly debateable whether we should now revert to the original versions, which is really up to those who decide these things nowadays. Personally, I think we shouldn't, but each to his own.



i hope that when that episode is released on dvd the original line is kept in. we all say things that we sometimes come too regret...theres no point rewritting history. besides, it was a FUNNY line when u take into account of what was happening within the royal family in the years leading up to 1997.




mind you, i wouldnt mind one bit if they wiped out all references too 'the brat...who must not be named'. could do a one off 5 second episode where bill pops out the shower and goes 'oh, it was all a dream.' hey,,worked for dallas. well, it didn't, but i'm just desperate for all references too 'the brat...who must not be named' being wiped out.


We can only edit the sound or cut the bit altogether and it isnt possible in those cases you name...and in any case- I don't think Gary would have wanted us to.



Different show I know but on The Simpsons there are a couple of lines that have been removed from TV showings. Lines like "Hey that looks like Princess Di...oh wait it's just a pile of rags" and "They stick all the jerks in Tower 1" (when referring to the WTC) have understandably been edited out on TV but will be included in DVD releases.

I don't see the difference between this and scenes being cut from films for TV viewers...


i can understand certain things being edited out for maybe up too a year in lite of a death or tragedy <not that a death isn't a tragedy>, but after that..life moves on. cos if it didn't we wouldnt have had 1997's 'titanic'.......wait a min..............hmmm, theres an idea...if we did go all over sensitive, then that horrible fc*kin film wouldn't have been made!


I believe that all films and repeats should be shown totally uncut by law. Which means no editing!
