Subway scene

I have a vague childhood memory of being well creeped out by a scene from this, no idea what series or episode but the main actress was walking through a underpass/subway and heard a whispery voice in her head it said "don't go" or something then a creepy shadow appeared on the wall behind her! does anyone else remember this or did I imagine it! It seemed a strange scene to be in a family comedy show!



okay thanks, so I didn't imagine it then. Glad thats cleared that up.


it was "dont go mia" it was a message trying to get them to not go to miami


It happened twice, once for real and then later as a nightmare. It was a message from the dead biker guy to stop them going to miami (as there was a hurricane).

It was creepy! It still freaks me out a bit.


I remember the hurricane episode, but I forgot that it was from 2point4 children. Was this in Series 3?

