Q+A for the writer of the wonderful sitcom - Andrew Marshall
Much to my amazement I switched on UKTV gold the other week to watch in it's full entirety - the elusive final episode of 2point4 "the millennium experience"
I had all but given up hope of ever watching the final series of this show as it became apparent to me several years ago that UKTV gold didn't have the rights secured to show it!
This show is pure nostalgia for me and I think it is so lovely that the writer Andrew Marshall can interact and share the experience with us fans.
I thought it might be a nice idea, obviously with Andrew's kind permission to set up a Q&A thread between the writer and it's fans, regarding this wonderful 1990's sitcom! A place where you may well find the answers to some of those elusive questions you might have concerning this near almost forgotton gem!
Q/ What was the inspiration behind 2point4, if you can still remember from all those many years ago?
Q/ As the writer, how much input did you have on the original casting of the actors/actresses that would eventually go on to become the much loved Porter family?
Q/ Compared with your early days of writing/scripting the show, would you say that it went into the direction that you had originally planned?
Q/ Knowing now that the show would run for as many series as it did, is there anything you would change given the opportunity? For example, introducing a third Porter child at an earlier stage in the show to compensate for David and Jenny's characters leaving home eventually etc?
Q/ Which is your favourite episode of 2point4 and why?