Miss Irvine's Expression
It’s my understanding that Miss Irvine’s expression during Luke’s transformation gives the impression that she’s disgusted and upset by what she’s witnessing. This seems to be the first glimpse the viewer sees of her questioning her role as a witch and the witches overall goal of destroying children.
The problem I have with her being so distraught by Luke’s transformation is that she was overjoyed and ecstatic by Bruno’s transformation. Throughout Bruno’s entire transformation you see her smiling and leaning on the table, amazed at what she’s witnessing. Even just before Luke is force-fed Formula 86, she unfolds the table the witches hold him to, she holds him down and plugs his nose, and says “Don’t bite” with a smile.
So what’s with the sudden turn around? Why does she almost instantly change her mind and find what they’ve done repulsive? I have a feeling it’s because Luke’s transformation was so gruesome but I mean come on, so was Bruno’s…