MovieChat Forums > The Witches (1990) Discussion > smoke and flickering lights observation

smoke and flickering lights observation

Did anyone else notice that during the start of the meeting scene, after all the witches have transformed, that the lights are flickering and there is a somewhat noticeable trace of smoke in the air? The chandelier in the center of the room is also swaying side to side.

Before the transformation, everything in the room is normal. I wonder why all that happened after they transformed? Did they perform some kind of magic? Just on observation.


I think that was all emitting from just the Grand High Witch herself. It's her aura. It's so evil, that it comes out of her as a thick smoke and effects the chandelier and the lights themselves. When she took off her concealments to get comfortable herself, her aura was unmasked literally. Even when she was turned into a mouse and had a glass pitcher placed over her, the pitcher filled with smoke that she was emitting as well.
