MovieChat Forums > The Witches (1990) Discussion > My favorite LOL moments...

My favorite LOL moments...

1) The Grand High Witch's black cat is after a fleeing mouse that the witch does not see and the cat jumps onto her chest meowing loudly, so she throws the cat down on her hotel bed scolding him "Lipschin, you bad cat," to which the cat makes a high-pitched noise of aggravation (cats really do that by the way, I have one) and turns his neck and gives her a look with his eyes that seem to say "What did you just call me?"

2) This one isn't really meant to be funny I don't think, but it is to me: Grand High Witch's secretary says, walking into the banquet room: "But what about the banquet?" Grand High Witch replies: "No, no, no, no! You are NOT here to enjoy yourself, you are here as my staff. [yelling] GO - TO - YOUR - ROOM! [turns head back toward her slightly] NOW!!!"

3) The Grand High Witch is meeting Bruno's father as his wife gives him an upset look pointing her head at the empty armchair next to her, and he says something to the Grand High Witch along the lines of "It's nice to meet a fellow philanthropist," to which she replies with an expression and tone of disdain "You collect stamps?" Then he says "Charities." Then later on as she leaves after they've conversed she gives him a very large smile (with teeth) as he says "It's not everyday that one meets someone of such class and quality," and he is left with an elated expression also smiling, then looks back at his wife as she gives him an expression that says everything -- like she wants to punch him.

That said, there are a lot of very creepy, dark moments in this movie, as well (for example the transformations, the witch with the snake, the girl trapped in the painting, the fact that witches in the film aim to kill/get rid of children). I honestly think it's a great movie for young (well not TOO young IMHO) and old alike (and everyone in between). Also, Anjelica Huston's performance was stellar. Nice special FX, too!


The third one i agree. The evil looks she was giving her husband was funny. I loved Luke and Bruno as mice. I enjoyed their scenes the most, mainly because i found the puppet mice the be adorably cute.


Funniest moment has to be when Mrs. Jenkins sees Bruno as a mouse for the first time.


It's pretty funny that the Grand High Witch can't even say "Children" without almost puking.

Also when she goes on a rant at the witch that argued and then calls her a bitch only to kill her followed with "I hope nobody else is gonna make me cuss today."


She didn't actually call her a bitch, she said "witch" and "I hope nobody else will make me cross today," cross meaning angry. I can understand her thick German accent causing confusion, though.

Anyway, it's a small thing but Grandma playing with the brush and dustpan and saying, "Lovely, isn't it? Red!" makes me giggle.


I'm watching this now and two other easy to miss parts are when the Grand High witch gets back to her room she deliberately slams the door on her assistant while talking about how it was a mercy for her to turn Bruno into a mouse after meeting his father.


I'm watching this now and two other easy to miss parts are when the Grand High witch gets back to her room she deliberately slams the door on her assistant while talking about how it was a mercy for her to turn Bruno into a mouse after meeting his father.

Good ones. The door slam was particularly funny. Because the assistant sarcastically says 'Thanks' when it happens.


number 3. one of my favourite bits of the film


let's not go to camelot, it is a silly place


I always thought is was funny when the GHW brandishes the spoon at Grandma at the end.


The chef giving the veal "the magic touch."

While Luke is trying to get the potion into the soup, an order of veal is returned to the kitchen for being too tough. The chef rubs it in the garbage and sends it back out! 😝


I love the third one as well. That and the dustpan part with grandma. Another favorite is when one witch says the GHW is looking fabulous the GHW responds, Wish I could say the same for you!


any scene with Mr. bean aka rowan Atkinson. when the witch says "is she sober? "of course shes sober ive been with her all afterno...I mean uuuh....of course shes sober!" LOL!! that was hilarious! and when he throws the mouse in the hall and you hear it squeal.

and angelica huston girating, lol! and when she screams at the other witch "YOU BLUTHERING BLITHSBBABA" or whatever, I don't know what she says shes so pissed she just babbles its so funny.


My LOL moments are...

1) when grandma tells Luke about a witch being able to smell him and Luke protests that he just had a shower and the grandma proceeds to explain that witches can more distinctly smell a clean child rather than just the dirt on a dirty child and Luke responds "I'll never have a shower again, and I'll have YOU for an excuse."

2) In the hotel room when Mr. Stringer tells Luke he can't keep his mice in the hotel and the grandma threatens to report the hotel for rat infestation while giving Luke a "knowing" wink. She is like "don't fret you always know grandma's got your back.

3) that fake, toothy grin the Grand High Witch gives Bruno's father when she is eager to leave and Mr. Jenkins says "It is not every day one meets someone of high quality and compassion" that is without fail a giggle moment for me.

4) when Bruno's father sees that his son is a mouse and says "ohhh no this is a trick, must be the whiskey"

5) during the witches annual meeting when the witch questions the Grand High Witch's plan to eliminate *every" child and gets combusted into smithereens and the Grand High Witch says " I hope no one else is going to make me cross today"

6) when Mr. Jenkins argued with Mr. Stringer about the soup and Mr. Stringer says "the soup on the menu is cock-a-leekie, and very nice it is." where Mr. Jenkins shouts "but I do not WANT COCK-A-LEEKIE. I DON'T LIKE COCK-A-LEEKIE. I LIKE CRESS!"
