References to Hitler/The Holocaust
I don't know if it has ever been brought up before, so I apologize in advance if it has, but I've been watching this movie for years and noticing more and more of possible references to Adolf Hitler and the holocaust. I don't know if Roal Dahl had written this in purposely to his novel. (I read the novel, but it was years ago when I was like 10 so I don't remember), but the film seems to pay attention to detail with these references. The Grand High Witch seems to be of German descent or at least posing as a German woman. She has the thick accent and the name, Eva Ernst. Also, during the meeting scene, the witches of England seem to be like a group of nazis in front of hitler. Her speeches are very angry and sincere. She kills one witch for disagreeing with her, talks of needing to "wipe out" all children. All of these things can be related to Hitler. Even when the Grand High Witch is driven up to the hotel, she's being driven in a Mercedes-Benz. hitler's car of choice was a Mercedes-Benz and he was driven around in one when he was in power. Even if you look at the grandmother's past with the Grand High Witch, she has a missing finger and while she never reveals to Luke what exactly happened, you can almost sense that this story is similar to a survivor of the holocaust telling her grandson that something awful happened to her when she was young. Anyone else notice these things? Any thoughts? I might be looking too deeply with some of them, but these are just things that I noticed.