Check em out!

The best 80's teen flicks

Pretty in pink
Breakfast club
Mordern Girls
Johnny Be good
Dance Till Dawn
Teen Witch
Sixteen Candles

Plz tell me if i left a movie out! Also check out some of these movie if you haven't seen them before coz u can get em on DVD from


You forgot one of the greatest teen movies ever made


starring Winona Ryder, who again, plays the outsider with expertise.

That is probably the thing to see.

Also, check out LUCAS, another Ryder gem.



I think Roxy Carmichael would be better classified as a satire on small town America, and our societies obsession with celebrity. Sure, the main character is a teen with teen issues and it is a coming-of-age story, but I don't necessarily think that means it could be likened to Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, and all the others.

Like someone else mentioned, the movie Heathers is kind of the anti-John Hughes film. It also happens to be Winona Ryder's favorite film she's been in, and she been known to say that she finds many of the '80's teen flicks to be insulting. Extrapolating from this, I think she probably saw something different in Roxy as well that made her want to do it. I think the main difference is it doesn't take itself too seriously, which (with the exception of Ferris Bueller) was the main problem with the John Hughes teen movies. Anyone else have similar thoughts?

By the way, I also would like to show my support for the wonderful film, Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael... which happens to be among my top ten films of all time! Of course, I suppose it doesn't hurt that I'm a huge Winona fan!
