the roxy carmichael drinking game

take 1 shot every time somebody says "roxy carmichael".
take 2 shots when dinky is speaking to her animals.
take 5 shots when you can convince other people that the animals are actually fed at some point during the film.
take 3 shots when you see roxy carmichael's legs.
take 1 shot whenever a room is painted pink or black.
take 2 shots when dinky is eating roxy carmichael's favourite candy.

take 1 shot when this awful specimen of ridiculous 80's coming of age movies make you laugh.


Yeah, and you make me laugh [cheers to that]. So are you one of those idiots who almost have a prescripted and kneejerk 'make fun of' reaction to anything made between 1980-1990? We're basically living in "the 1980s: the sequel" right now (in many ways it is anyway). Trust me, we'll be making fun of the current era in the future plenty of times--but that's only when we're not too busy crying our eyes out or screaming in rage over it. And there were plenty of good 1980s coming of age films anyway(LUcus, Stand by me, Mission Hill, Fast times of redgemount high, the wanderers and so on). So go get pissed.


um the animals WERE fed during the movie. What's really funny is for someone that thinks the movie is so ridiculous you sure know a helluva lot about it.


i bought the dvd. i think its hilarious. but its also very very bad.
