Lesbian subplot?

Ok, I know there was a lesbian subplot between those two adult friends, but does anyone out there feel that Dinky's character should have been? I re-watched this as an adult and showed it to some other lesbians, and we all kinda agreed. And before anyone points out "wishful thinking" on our parts, mind you I was about 10 years old when this film came out, and even then I sort of felt that, waaaay before I knew I was! I dunno, her relationship with Gerald felt forced...


I'm not gay, but I have always felt that, as a matter of fact, I wonder if in the dressing room something further might have happened between Dinky and her teacher? It does seem like a forced ending.....but all along though he was an integral character and you can tell that he was just not a throw away character. But the teacher...Her relationship with her boyfriend just seemed forced, and I think Roxy was involved with both Jeff Daniels character and Dinah Manoff (ironic last name)'s character and there is a part in the movie where her blonde friend I guess has made breakfast or something (it's been awhile since I have seen this....) and Manoff says thank you but you can't compare to Roxy....yeah definitely something was on....and Melissa Etheridge doing soundtrack was a big thing, I think nobody was ready and most inklings were thrown out and I think Etheridge wasn't 'out' at this point in her career either.

You're So Cool


Finally, someone else seems to write that they noticed this! I didn't even realize the last name was "Manoff" haha, good one. Yes, I found the changing room scene questionable. You could pass it off as adolescent curiosity, but I felt that Dinky had a crush on the guidance counselor. I think Dinky was attracted to Jeff Daniels because he was connected to Roxy.
And once I realized Melissa Etheridge did the soundtrack, it makes you wonder if this character of Dinky WAS gay and the studio wouldn't allow it? I dunno, food for thought...


Oh duh, it has been awhile, you are right, it is guidance counselor, I keep thinking it was a teacher. Maybe it was because she was dating a teacher. I wrote a blog about this on my myspace and one of my friends said that her coworker also talks about this film and it's undertones

You're So Cool


Funny you should mention this. I love this show, and personally I thought the relationship between Dinky and Gerald felt real. But now that you mentioned it, the first two girls that I actualled dated ended up they perfered women over men. Maybe it was fanatasy on my part that Dinky would turn out to be straight.
Another interesting choice by the director is Gerald's long blonde hair. Only in the sense, when a roommate in college saw this movie, his first comment was that he thought Gerald was a girl.

But still in all, I think its a good straight and gay movie.


Maybe I might just old enough (or good memory for detail sometimes) but I do remember a little blip surrounding the movie at the time of release. There was a segment taken out to keep it a PG-13 rating from a R. Unfortunately the scene details involving where in the movie escapes me or I never found out.
This is all I know though. There was a scene of a lesbian nature (assuming around the time the movie came out...it might have been too...."suggestive"?). Again this one part fact, one part maybe filling in gaps with speculation or memory loss.
I haven't taken advantage of the internet yet to find the info. Not to mention I would love to see it too!!!
Alas as Dinky puts it "It's good to want things"


Hm, I was only about 10 or 11 when this movie came out, so I don't remember anything about the movie except for the TV trailers. If you find anything, post it here, and then we can all take a look :)


http://www.glaad.org/publications/archive_detail.php?id=297&PHPSESSID=b67e0e393097a36c9e05843ee1de06cb I found this online, but I'm stating to think that it was a scene between the two adult women, and perhaps they opted to have them talk about it afterwards rather than show it?


i'm watching the movie right now, and i checked imdb to see if the writer was a lesbian or something. because it just seemed pretty gay overall. the melissa etheridge soundtrack doesn't help.


I am a stright dude, and I can tell you, thee was definetly a lesbian sub-tone to Dinky's relationship with her teacher. No doubt. But the teacher was hot, I don't blame Dinky.


There was that, but then I remember the relationship mostly between Dinah Manoff's character and her tag-a-long friend. there was the "after" scene where the friend was asking if "it" was alright, but not as good as Roxy, then later at the welcome home party for Roxy the friend makes eyes at another woman attending. It was the beginning of the 90s' so any lesbian subtext was not nearly as over the top as it is now.


I second that, LOL.


I totally felt a lesbian vibe between Dinky and her guidance counselor also! I'm glad it wasn't just me, lol

And the two best friends..I think they were just best friends and the blonde one seemed stupid and eager to please and be that girls friend bc she was friends with Roxy or something.



Me either. I wish the lesbian subplot developed more. It really really turned me on.


i didnt feel a lesbian subplot between dinkie and the guidance counselor, but i did feel as though dinkie admired her beauty (the dressing room scene). i feel as though dinkie showed her breasts because she was looking for a compliment on her body, and then when she didnt get it right away, she went fishing for one because dinkie wasnt the kind of girl to get compliments. i am not a lesbian, but i do admire and appreciate an attractive woman, so i guess this is why that was my take on it.


A way more subtle and convuluted relationship than we're giving Dinky and the teacher than we're giving them credit for. Not in the least bit sexual as far as I'm concerned. I've absolutley no doubt that if Dinky were around now she'd be ending up with a dyke and great it would have been. But it was 1994, and if it took going out with a goofy kid with braces for a few months before moving on to the real stuff then so be it. Love this film xx


In my opinon, Dinky felt a strong connection to Jeff Danniels because she thought that he was her real father and Roxy was the real mother. But my thoughts are that the guidance counselor is the real mother and the teacher that the counselor slept w/ was the real father. There was some hesitation when she was kissing the teacher because she didn't really want to tell him that he is Dinky's daughter because of the comments he made towards Dinky earier in the film. That is also why she was acting so friendly to Dinky and wanted to know about her life. She knew that Dinky was her child that she gave up a long time ago.

And the girlfriends, you knew they had done something. It's very obivous. The blonde tag along girlfriend is into women. And best friend to Roxy is bisexual.


Yes, I definitely thought the two adult women were lesbians, but I don't think that Dinky or the guidance counselor were. I thought that the dressing room scene was more of a "mother" moment. Your mother is supposed to go in dressing rooms with you. Your mother should have seen you naked at some point, but Dinky never had a real mother. Her adopted mother gave up on her at 6. The scene in the dressing room was Dinky connecting with an older female in a surrogate mother/daughter way. It was, in a way, "the birds and the bees" discussion for her.

In this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.For years I was smart.I recommend pleasant





^^ this. You've summed up my exact thoughts.


I also didn't really see the lesbian subtext between the teacher and Dinky. Some subtext could be taken out, but I don't think any of it was intentional. The hands scene just seemed like a moment where the guidance counselor was showing that she was there for her and offering her some comfort. However, the dressing room scene was iffy and the scene by the ark was very iffy. I thought at the ark scene there seemed to be more tension than in the other scenes. I think the guidance counselor really cared for Dinky and subsequently Dinky had developed an affection for her (though I can't say if it was romantically or in a motherly/look up to her way). I guess you can take from it what you will, though I did think the romance between the guidance counselor and principal was very forced. They had no chemistry. At least Dinky had chemistry with Gerald. However, I can easily see how people could see Dinky being a lesbian and it wouldn't really be a stretch to imagine. Plus, there were some other lesbian connections in this film that do make me wonder if the writers wanted Dinky to be gay but just couldn't go there at the time.

Also, that definitely was a lesbian subplot between the adults. When the scene where they were talking with the glasses in their hands appeared I was super confused. I was like 'she's talking as if they just had sex.' That totally took me by surprise. The one was married and apparently had a fling with Roxy. I wondered if the married woman was meant to be a lesbian who just hid it by getting married or bisexual. The other was clearly implied to be a lesbian, and there is the scene at the party where the two make eye contact while the married one dances with her husband. Then the other woman spots a girl by her and they keep making little glances at each other. Definitely a lesbian subplot going on (and I don't even think it was subtle! I thought it was made pretty clear that the adults were having a lesbian affair).


I think Gerald having long blonde hair was as close as they could get to having a lesbian relationship.

One of the main themes is about female relationships. Think about the color pink and how its used in the movie in an intimate way. Dinky drops her pink bow on the bus floor and Gerald comes to her rescue.

Dinky is an outcast and doesn't know who her parents are plus she has a terrible relationship with the ultra stereotypical female mom figure who is desperate to convert Dinky to that way.

In the end Dinky stops with the whole black thing...I think it means that she isnt obsessed with the black thing. The confusing thing is that there's also times in the movie when characters conform. Gerald gets his teeth straightened and Dinky is wearing pink in the end.

The guidance teacher is a lesbian for sure. She is also an outcast since she left new york because of the book about self development wasnt successful. So you have two characters very likely lesbian or bisexual, they are both confused about self development, portrayed as outcast or ostracisizing themselves. I think that the writer is the guidance counseler and Dinky: its like a nostalgic memoir between an older and younger self. Thats the serious part of the movie most people clearly missed given the poor rating.

There is a heap of lesbian moments and references which aren't so important but help you to see the writers viewpoint. Some stuff I noticed on my own, like the changing room, the hands under the table and generally the way Dinky interacts with the counselor. My mind may be in the gutter but the most graphic sexual scene is two people having sex on carpet in a carpet store hehe. I didn't even know that the singer is Melissa Etheridge.


The guidance teacher is a lesbian for sure.

No, she isn't. She's in her 30s and clearly having a secret fling with a male faculty member from the school (Robin Thomas). If she was "a lesbian for sure" she'd be having a secret fling with a female.

The sequence in the dressing room between the guidance counselor and Dinky was female bonding in a surrogate mother/daughter sense, nothing more. In short, Dinky was just mentored by Elizabeth and clearly had romantic interest in the blond guy. The fact that his hair was long is irrelevant; he had that 80's surfer look going on, similar to Spicoli.

It is true, however, that Evelyn (Dinah Manoff) has a sexual encounter with her blonde friend even though she was in a relationship with a guy. She says to the blonde something like, "No, it wasn't as good as with Roxy," which reveals that she and Roxy experimented with lesbianism in their teens. Yet, Roxy had a kid with Denton (Jeff Daniels) and was 'married' to him before leaving town for future stardom. So the sapphic goings-on in the movie were merely experimental actions of people coming-of-age or seeking fulfillment.
