What was Roxy Famous For???

The movie DOES NOT say, just that she's rich and famous. Her old house in the town is even turned into a museum (shades of Elvis). I think though that Dinky really was her daughter. Denton Webb just lied about the baby's death to bring a final close to the subject and to stop Dinky's obsession about it.

The more I study it, the greater the puzzle becomes.
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad


I thought she was a famous actress? Granted, I only saw this movie once in 1991.



If I remember correctly, she was famous for being the girlfriend of a songwriter but then up and leaving him one day without explanation. He then wrote a song ("In Roxy's Eyes", I think) and for some reason, she became famous because of that (both leaving him for no reason and for being the subject of the song). Times were different back then so I guess that was enough to do to become famous... now you have to at least film a sex tape and have it "stolen by workers"!!


The movie never really explains why she's famous (though it does hint that she's a model/actress, that still doesn't show why she's supposed to be all that) - it's supposed to be enigmatic and everything what with her face never being shown and all, but it just comes off as irritating.

Whoever invented ignore lists is an unsung genius.


The movie does say, actually; Denton and Dinky are in the cafe eating after he nearly runs her over with his truck and she asks the same question.

Apparently, her songwriter boyfriend wrote the song In Roxy's Eyes and she was the Roxy in the song. After that, she left him (even though the two of them still loved each other) and the songwriter talked about her all the time. This is why she's famous.

She's rich because the songwriter boyfriend gave all of the song copyrights to her, so every time the song plays (any version, which Denton says he even heard a crappy elevator version play recently), she still gets money.

This is my signature, and it loves me.


Yeah I'm surprised some people seemed to have missed that. I remember thinking how ridiculous of a reason that was for her to be worshiped in her hometown. It also seemed ridiculous that Dinky would have to ask the reason that Roxy was famous. Maybe other teens in the town might not know, but certainly the girl with the Roxy Carmichael obsession would know.


The film made it quite clear: It was because a famous singer used her name & persona for a song.

While I'm surprised that Dinky didn't know about this, given the small town & Roxy's very heavy reputation, I didn't get the sense that Dinky developed her obsession until she heard Roxy was returning.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
