Ok, I admit. The Two Jakes is not comparable to Chinatown, but nevertheless it's in my opinion a very good movie. The actors are mostly good (Nicholson's great) and even at worst acceptable, the plot is interesting (I especially liked the ending; an ending like Chinatown had wouldn't have fit in this movie), and the whole movie was nicely connected with Chinatown. There were some really good special effects too. It's not a classic perhaps, but at least a worthy sequel to one.
Anyway, I'd like to know why Two Jakes is rated so low. Are people just disappointed because they naturally compare it to Chinatown? I think it's a bit unfair, because making a sequel to a classic like Chinatown is very difficult, and a sequel rarely is as good as the original. An example: anybody remember The Godfather Part III? It's just no masterpiece like Parts I and II, but that doesn't mean it's not good.
Edit: Still one addition: the last sentence Jake said was immortal. To me it gave much more than the ending of Chinatown. This is totally subjective, though.