A remake???

Universal has announced a remake. That really sucks. Why must the dumbasses at Hollywood remake everything? Well, all it's gonna be is a CGI fest with Disney stars and a hot chick that can't act, just add it to the list!

El Sonoma del Torro
The Evil Dead
Reign of Fire (yes I know it's only 8 years old but it's happening!)

Remakes suck. And now Tremors is rewend. Oh joy! Uhggggg

Armed and Dangerous



I hate remakes.
Well, depending on how much time has passed since the original was made. If it's been lik 30-50 years... sure. But, not enough time has passed.

No, I totally agree with you. Preparation H does feel good... on the hole.


Lets not tell Michael Bay, he already rewend Transformers and Nightmare on Elm Street...

Armed and Dangerous



But, Transformers wasn't a remake... it was a cartoon.

No, I totally agree with you. Preparation H does feel good... on the hole.


...good point...but still he butchered the crap out of it!

Armed and Dangerous



Sometimes, you just got to leave it alone and this is one of those times. How can you top the original? Its a modern day B movie classic. Hollywood are fast running out of ideas and thats why they got to *beep* with the classics.


Hollywood's just running out of stuff completely.
All movies are now are remakes, reboots, and sequels made 10-20 years after the last was made.
Unless there's a storyline that hasn't been done to death a million times; I don't know if there's anything left to tell.
Books seem to be the only thing left to turn into movies.

No, I totally agree with you. Preparation H does feel good... on the hole.


100% Agreed. Tremors must not be touched! Dont make the remake, and insted, make the 5th sequel! I'd definantly see that!

Armed and Dangerous



Your joking! Why must Hollywood recreate everything good? The only good remakes I can think of are John Carpenter's THE THING, The Fly, Scarface, and King Kong (Peter Jackson version). But every other remake is pure $h!t, complete with bad teen acting, useless nude scenes, and bad CGI. If the DO remake this, they better have animatronics. I have nothing wrong with CGI, but the chances of CGI looking 100% real are 1 to 9999999999999999. Only Jurassic Park, Twister, and Avatar have sucseeded.

Also, OP, The Evil Dead remake is cancelled (for now) and will be replaced by Evil Dead 4! And Reign of Fire will either be a sequel/prequel, not a remake.

And you've seen El Sonoma Del Toro? Well, I thought I was the only one! That movie doesnt even have an IMDb page!

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.



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Are the movies in that list all remakes/movies that have been remade?

When was Jaws remade? I'm only aware of three sequels.

If by Spiderman you mean the upcoming The Amazing Spider-Man, that's a reboot, not a remake.


I honestly think they need to do another direct-to-video sequel, and use it as a launching pad to bring back the show, similar to how Tremors 3 was a sort-of pilot for the first show.

Come on, with today's technology, High-Def Cinema cameras that make it cheaper to shoot (you can buy a RED-Epic Pro Kit for $70,000, and that's what the new Spider-Man was shot on), and easier-than-ever effects, it shouldn't be too hard to make a decent, cheap Tremors movie. I'd love to see a film where Burt has to travel to aid a town against a Graboid invasion in a completely new setting.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


Don't forget to add to your list of bad remakes:
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Clash of the Titans
