Fantastic Opening Scene (and me dumping on LUCAS)
What a gorgeous, well-made first scene. Tremors begins with magnificent shots of the great wild yonder. The tone is set with humour and honest lines. The bickering is not with malice, but the familiarity of a well-worn bond. Within three minutes we know that Valentine and Earl are good old buddies. Deep friendship is established, the kind that resembles brotherhood. These guys are ready to go through hell together and, despite their arguments, would die for each other.
Now, if you've seen the excellent RedLetterMedia eviscerations of the Star Wars prequels, you'll recall one of Plinkett's main bones: Lucas' utter failure to establish any believable friendship between Anakin and Obi Wan. It's so awful that they seem to actually loathe each other so we don't really care about the "tragedy" of Obi Wan letting Anakin burn to a cinder.
But Tremors, with a budget .025% of Lucas' resources yet displaying 1423 times the talent and sweat, gives us two memorable, believable friends who we want to be with for 90 minutes.