MovieChat Forums > Tremors (1990) Discussion > Is dirt really the 'best damn bullet sto...

Is dirt really the 'best damn bullet stop there is?'

Serious question. who knows the answer


I'd say so, since mythbusters showed that being under as little as 3 inches of water made bullets non-lethal that being under a much more dense substance would stop the bullets for sure


I'd say so, since mythbusters showed that being under as little as 3 inches of water made bullets non-lethal that being under a much more dense substance would stop the bullets for sure

You should watch the full Mythbusters episode, the angle of the bullet entering the water had a lot to do with it.

I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.


The fact that the military uses sand bags seems to bare that out.

"I Hate Trolls"



It's worth noting that sandbags actually become more effective the larger the bullet that hits them. It's been tested that a 9mm hollowpoint will penetrate just as far, if not farther, into sandbags than will a .50 BMG round out of a Barrett rifle or heavy machine gun.


It makes sense. A larger bullet has more surface area to be stopped, create drag, cause friction, and it generally strikes more sand. One could push a needle into a sandbag without much trouble; try punching a sandbag with more force, though, and it's not going to get far.

As far as dirt - think about it. Compressed sand/dirt is basically rock. Ever try to punch or kick a dirt surface? Go try it and see how far you get.


Dirt is better than kevlar. That's why you have to empty an entire clip just to slow down a homeless person, let alone kill one.

Not...not that I go around shooting homeless people. Hand to god.


And zombies that would answer a lot of questions climing up from the grave covered in dirt lots of rounds that was a great mythbusters



"Mankind cannot solve the world's problems. Mankind is the problem."

