Bi-level Rating System
IMDB should devise a bi-level rating system, one level for lovers of film and another level for the poopheads who just enjoy being contrary little grenade throwers. Poopheads (those giving less than a 7) would be required to submit reasons they didn't like the film. This alone might discourage baseless ratings. The true fans would not have to execute this chore; an 8, 9, or 10 speaks for itself, and we can discuss our choices in the boards as usual.
Tremors satisfies all my movie requirements: it is a tightly written story, hooking me with fully developed characters, a love interest, and direction that is perfectly focused. Like The Maltese Falcon, after watching it I am sated, happy, and smiling. A 10 it is and now you know why. While you're at it, go ahead and rate this suggestion.