Why did this movie acheive cult status?
Why did this movie acheive cult status?
shareHave you seen the movie?! I think the better question is why did it not achieve it sooner.
shareIt bombed, yet went on to become a genuine cult movie, like Buckaroo Bonzai did.
Long trailer for Bonzai BTW:
The movie didn't bomb in the theater. It made a small profit off of an 11 million budget. Then it was a smash hit on video.
"Veronica, why are you pulling my dick?"
No. ‘Way beyond Buckaroo Whosis. How many sequels did Banzai generate? Exactly.
shareI saw it on VHS back in the nineties. I don't get it. Reba McIntyre tried to make a break from acting and that other guy was on that Michael J. Fox show which I didn't watch back in the eighties. That guy would insist on wearing railroad engineers hats any time he was interviewed to prove how deep he was into trains.
I was bored watching it. I heard a rumor that some of it was adlibbed. I really don't get it.
You sound like someone who wouldn't be fun to hang out with. Lol why would someone wearing a train conducters uniform in their personal life affect a totally unrelated movie they were in? "I heard a rumor that some of it was adlibbed" yeah, 99% of movies are, it's called ADR. And was this rumor something that was going around your high school or something? Like you're in the lockeroom and Billy goes "hey, did you hear? Tremors was adlibbed! OMG!" FFS people
shareBecause it's awesome, obviously.
Same reason every other cult movie became a cult movie.
shareBecause of the witty banter between Earl and Val. It was a sci fi horror plot with comedy. It didn't take itself seriously at all. Doesn't it seem like Simon Pegg and Nick Frost movies used Tremors as a guide how to make a great flick? Their subject matter is never comedy -- it's sci fi horror.
shareCult movies generally have fairly disappointing and/or short-string theatre runs, and have a quirkiness of some sort that doesn't appeal to the average moviegoer. Up until cable TV and VCRs became common, cult films would build a following in the second-run theatres and dollar theatres as word of mouth slowly got around to fans of odd and usually-amusing films.
Most 'cult' fans of Tremors that I've communicated with like it for the wit in its dialogue, and the interesting characters.
I just like it for Val and Earl's truck.
"You may have come on no bicycle, but that does not say that you know everything."
Here are a few reasons I can think of:
1) It's a simple story that is endlessly re-watchable.
2) It deftly balances tone with elements of horror, comedy, action all working together perfectly. Nothing seems forced or overplayed.
3) Well-written, funny, clever dialogue.
4) Good chemistry between the three lead actors. And a few excellent supporting characters as well.
5) I think this one is key: The movie treats each of its characters with some respect. They all work together in a way that seems real to confront the monsters. There's no whiff of "agenda" to the movie; it's just good old-fashioned escapist fun.
I totally agree with this list. My sib, cousins, and I used to watch this movie over and over growing up.
I recorded it on IFC this week and have already watched it three times.
"Me? Me? You mean ME?!" Insane Rick Grimes
"Anger makes you stupid.Stupid gets you killed" Michonne
Heres my list:
1) All of the characters felt genuine and interesting, even the random asian grocery store owner and the slacker teenager guy. The cast wasnt a generic horror movie stock of bimbos and jocks and token black guys.
2) The premise of the movie was creative and engaging. The monsters were scary, but in a realistic way that encourages you to imagine yourself in the same situation and try and figure out what you would do to survive. The monsters arent evil spirits that could kill the main characters at any time, but just choose to show up times that are conducive to the plot development.
3) The characters were making intelligent situations and the danger that they were in didnt feel forced or a result of dumb decisions that they made earlier.
4) Lots of interesting dialogue.
5) Bright settings. I appreciate when horror movies can be effective without having to resort to having every scene be in barely visible dim spooky houses with jump scares everywhere.
6) Fun action with over the top gun nuts blowing up worm monsters.
7) All the sequels upped the stakes with more ridiculous monsters, but managed to make them fun rather than just repeats of the first movie.
It's been a really popular movie ever since it came out, not just on video, but anyone who had cable tv in the early 90s will tell you that this movie was on heavy rotation (that's where I first saw it) - people really liked it back then from the get-go it seems.
Motown, get your Detroit jukebox jheri curl ass in this chicken sh!t chop-chop, ASAFP!
Beats me. It was mostly boring and the acting was so-so.