A Little Help With A Song Title, Please...
I've seen this movie on and off throughout the years (since I was ten, I believe) and while I enjoy it as a 'popcorn flick' for it's action and some of the humorous chemistry between Eastwood and Sheen, I enjoy it even more for it's great soundtrack. I know that Lenny Niehaus made his usual contribution to this movie's soundtrack as he has for almost 90% of Eastwood's other directing projects, and I love the more jazzy asthetic it brings instead of the usual heavy-metal-blasting-out-your-eardrums-at-incredibly-high-decibals soundtrack you'd find on any standard action/buddy cop flick (not that that type of soundtrack never works; it's just nice to see a change). My only despair is that I do not know what the name of the song is that is prominently played throughout the movie (kind of the "The Rookie" theme song, so to speak). During the end credits, the piece is played out in it's entirety. I think it's title is something like "Red Zone", but if anyone knows the title or where I can find it, that would be great!