MovieChat Forums > Rocky V (1990) Discussion > Anybody know why sly didn't direct?

Anybody know why sly didn't direct?

Especially after directing 2 3 and 4


They wanted to recapture the heart, magic, feel & spirit of the first one so they hired John to direct the then so called final rocky movie


I think it was a combination of having Avildsen and Stallone teaming up one more time on what was supposed to be the final Rocky film. But being that Stallone wouldn't direct again until 2006 maybe he lost some of his desire to direct at that time too.


he had other things going on.. and also just didn't want to have to spend time editing the film.

was a combo of a lot of things. they explain it in the rocky saga documentary.


Stallone had to direct "Rocky II" when it was dumped in his lap after Avildsen refused to do it. He hated the script Stallone wanted to make (Avildsen basically wanted to do a "Rocky III" type story where Rocky is really famous and well-known).

Stallone did direct the street fight in V, though, as Avildsen thought Stallone would do a better job than he would.


He had brain damage because of his fight with Drago. He was in no condition to also be the director. I'm sure remembering all his lines was hard enough
