I wanted to PUNCH that little $#!T Hob
And torture him too. That's pretty much it.
But it took too long to happen. And it wasn't long and drawn out like how he did it to Robocop earlier.
shareAgreed. That kid was like the more infuriating and annoying version of Scorpio from Dirty Harry. Pissed me off with every scene he was in. I don't think I'd ever been so satisfied with seeing a kid die in a movie, but even when Hob died it wasn't all THAT satisfying.
Welcome to the middle of nowhere--the center of everywhere.
Lewis should have rammed the little snot's head into the wall, given him a spanking with her nightstick, and kicked him down a flight of stairs. (I've given the matter some thought in the past)
The kid in Red Sonja could've used a paddling as well.
Lewis should have rammed the little snot's head into the wall, given him a spanking with her nightstick, and kicked him down a flight of stairs.
Because when someone jumps on your back and starts strangling you with wire, it's difficult to recover from. She'd have fared no better no matter who was doing it.
When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.
Ugh... tell me about it. That POS kid really ruined my enjoyment of this otherwise fair sequel. And all it took for me to not want to see more of the punk, was when he opened his mouth for the very first time... that was it. So I was really hoping that he wasn't going to appear in the rest of the movie. But unfortunately, that wasn't the case; the bastard ended up getting lots of screen time. (He was such a pain to watch that I wanted to torture him in every way imaginable.) So anyway, since I had to suffer through every one of his scenes, the most satisfying moment in the movie for me was without a doubt when the little bastard got killed. But like Ultimatenexus said, it's too bad his death wasn't as satisfying as it could have been (I mean, he was sadly shot offscreen). All in all, it's a real shame they had to add this insufferable brat to the movie. And speaking of insufferable brats, the fact that ALL the kids in this movie were obnoxious (except for Murphy's kid, obviously), makes me realize that no movie I've seen has made me hate kids more than RoboCop 2.
Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
Agreed again. I thought he was just some throwaway punk that would shoot him and piss off on out of there for the rest of the movie. I WISHED that would've been the case, but it wasn't.
What's the deal with making kids some of the most annoying characters in the history of film. I mean sure, there are SOME great kid characters in movies (Newt from Aliens, Oleg from Running Scared, Shuya from Battle Royale, a few others I can't remember right now), but there is sadly a wider number of stupid kids who don't get killed off NEARLY as much as we'd like, and sometimes the kid actors themselves are unlikeable (I have yet to see a likeable performance from Jaden Smith, for instance).
Welcome to the middle of nowhere--the center of everywhere.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who would've felt a Snickers-esque satisfaction if Hob the Knob suffered a slow, prolonged, well-deserved death.
I like the idea of Lewis beating him with a nightstick and thrown down the stairs.
Here's my Hob-hate death plan:
Robocop states loudly: "You've been a bad boy! It's time for your punishment!"
Robocop pulls him up by the hair as he bitches and yells. He smacks him with his other hand, knocking him to the ground and stunning him. He corners him, then stabs him repeatedly with his wrist spike in his arms and legs. As he's bleeding out, several more stabs around his vital organs so quick death could be avoided. Poke out his eyes too (revenge for Hob the Slob commanding for Murphy's joints to be mutilated). Murphy delivers final, powerful statement "Sleep tight! Don't let the nuke bugs bite!" before slowly squeezing his neck, making him turn blue and finally dying.
How does that kid die? Did he get hit by bullets from the big Cain robot? I did not see where he got hit with any bullets. I thought he slit his wrists in the armored car when I first saw the movie but then recently when watching it, it seemed like he got shot even though I don't remember seeing him get hit with any bullets and thought he avoided getting shot when he shut himself in the armored car.
shareEven though Hob was in the armored car, the bullets by Cain still went thru it & hit him. You do see Cain fire at the truck but they never show Hob get hit. It's just implied that he was.
shareYes I would love that. Also when he wanted to let Cain die, it wasn't because Cain was a bad guy. But it was because he wanted to take over. I mean how he tortured robocop was so sadistic. I mean robocop to be so kind to him in his dying moments was plain stupid. But you are supposed to hate him. He wasn't meant to be likable. In fact I think that he should have been the primary bad guy, and Cain should have been the secondary bad guy.
shareI liked HOB as a villain. He was competent and a real *beep* And the movie has the balls to kill a kid, too.
But the girl in RoboCop 3? Now that was an annoying kid!
Thought his character was the most interesting part of the film and the young actor had that bad boy charisma.
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame
You're SUPPOSED to hate him.
shareI know right! It's not like they portrayed the kid in a way that you're supposed to like him. He's part of the bad guys. If anything, it made the gang feel more real....and violent.
Throwing a kid in the mix really made this film darker. Which I loved.
Hob is a bad a$$ and one of the better villains of the series. And as stated above, the girl in robocop 3, now she was annoying.
They did want us to make us feel bad, or something, on his dying scene. It failed miserably. The attempt at sentimentalism was laughable.
If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already
I wanted to PUNCH that little $#!T Hob
I don't think he was a talented enough actor to be a character you loved to hate. You just wanted him tossed into a vat of toxic waste and hit by a speeding car.
shareI hate the fact the Robicop comforted him. I mean he tortured him earlier mercilessly and now he's supposed to feel sympathy for him? I would have actually preferred to see that little wrench die.
I would have preferred seeing him confront Robocop after his directives were removed. Hob aims his gun at him "can't shoot a kid can you motherf_ _ker?"
Robocop blows off his head "guess I can"
Yeah I would love that. Also I would love it if Robocain steps on him and breaking his vertebrae and then snapping his neck like he did with Angie. I would love that too. I mean it was Hob who convinced Angie to leave Cain to die in the hospital.
shareSomething funny, the kid in this also voiced Little Foot in the original Land Before Time movie.