Psycho frog molester kid

Wtf is that kind of a beginning to a film? I was stunned how he could do that to such a magnificent creature. How do you even come up with sick disgusting shit like that? He went on full medieval torture mode for that poor frog. Also the terrible child acting made me almost turn off the movie right away. Is it a common hobby among children in USA to blow air inside a frog's ass? Just when you thought you saw it all.. Freaking frog raper kid. I was just hoping he would get what he deserves after that.


you never watched Beavis & Butthead?


Not really. B&B never was my cup of tea. Did they turn frog-molesting into a trend?



Ok so B&B was sick too. But I think what happened in the movie was sicker.


4 year post, so I won't hold my breath for a reply, but was it a *fake* frog, or did they kill/torture a *real* one?


Still here. Had totally forgotten about this movie and my post tbh. Now you reminded me of this abomination of a movie scene. Damn it! I'm praying it was a prop frog.
